To further planetary wellness through the transformational integration of Science, Nature and Spirit.


Earth Stewardship

Organic, Regenerative Agriculture

Integrative, Holistic Healthcare

Compassionate Animal Welfare

Consciousness Awakening

“Treat the earth and all that dwell therein with respect. 

Remain close to the Great Spirit. 

Show great respect for your fellow beings. 

Work together for the benefit of all Mankind.”  

The Native American Commandments

MERKABA (mer-KA-ba)

The Merkaba can be understood as a chariot of ascension that raises consciousness to higher dimensions.

Click here for a Merkaba Visualization

The Merkaba (meaning light-spirit-body) is an ancient sacred geometry shape. It is composed of 2 intersecting tetrahedrons that spin in opposite directions creating a transformative energy field.

The upward and downward interlocked tetrahedrons represent the duality of existence: earth and cosmos; body and spirit; yin and yang; masculine and feminine.

The Merkaba expresses the potential of a world of community and peace where no one is separate. All are one and one is all.


“We are all the leaves of one tree…We are all the waves of one sea.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Gaia, the third planet from the Sun is where we have found habitability.

Humanity's current impact on Mother Earth's climate and biosphere is unsustainable.

We celebrate initiatives supporting New Earth healing energies. Through the radiant powers of light, joy and love, our magical planet will thrive and continue to nurture us all.

“The only way to build hope is through the earth.”

Vandana Shiva


We all share Mother Earth’s fragile ecosystems and precious resources. It’s up to us to be good stewards for responsible use and protection of the natural environment through conservation and sustainable practices. These collective actions enhance ecosystem resilience and promote health and well-being for all.

“Without this magic carpet of soil, life would not exist on the Earth.  Soil and life are twins; neither can exist without the other.”  

C.C. Nikiforoff


Healing the planet through agriculture

Industrial agriculture has devastated our soil, water and contributed to the climate crisis. 

With organic, regenerative, biodynamic agriculture, we can rehabilitate soil, respect animal welfare, and improve the lives of farmers. It will sequester carbon, build healthier communities, and reap more nutritious and abundant yields, helping to prevent and reverse disease.

Click here for short Biodynamic/Regenerative Video

Regenerative, biodynamic agriculture looks at modern farming through a holistic, long-term lens by treating farms as individual ecosystems that work in sync with nature.

“People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health, and are treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food.”

Wendell Berry

“Nature itself is the best physician.”  



The path to wellness and vitality is healing of the whole person.

Integrative, Holistic Healthcare attends to mind, body and spirit rather than just disease/symptom management.

Click here for short video on Integrative Healthcare    

Evidence-based practices from conventional and complementary medicine are incorporated.  Therapies may include diet, lifestyle, psychotherapy, mindfulness, Functional Medicine and plant medicines, alongside allopathic interventions.  

We support educating enlightened practitioners, particularly among LGBTQ+ and those historically underrepresented, for a more diverse, healthful future for people and the planet.

“Compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind.”  

Albert Schweitzer


Animals are sensitive, emotional, and intelligent beings who deserve dignity and respect.

It’s a tragic reality that the intersection of human and animal lives so often results in pain and suffering for animals. In addition, Industrial meat and dairy production generates at least 60% of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions.

Strengthening welfare standards not only improves the lives of animals; it can also educate the public about the harsh conditions animals face in places like factory farms and laboratories.

“The awakening of consciousness is the next evolutionary step for mankind.”

Eckhart Tolle


We support processes which further awareness, empowerment and compassion.  

Mindfulness, psychotherapy, spirituality and plant medicines are pathways for healing and enlightenment.